Ke-Ke Challenge !!!!

       Challenge this Keke, what is round without a center and no base and it shines? .... it's okay take your precious time.... okay that's good enough, the answer is .... drum roll  please...... a RING ... 

Yes, a ring is round without a base or a center and it shines if it is gold or silver. It's an old guessing question my mommy once asked me and I was like whatttt. She phrased it differently in Spanish but still. 

     Anyways, about the real challenge I have to say it it blank STUPID & dangerous people getting out of the cars to start dancing to that song. They act like it's the chiit but it's not at all. I would never join this challenge or most challenges to be honest, because they are lame as hell. I mean there is so much to be done in this world that is productive and we actually need, yet people choose to waste their time trying to go viral. It's so sad what social media has done to some people. But not me honey, I stay in my lane with my name in the right place and no where in sight okay. 

       I will be a social media babe, but it will not be due to some game. I have true purpose to live for and true motives to strive for, so don't be alarmed when my name pop up in your news feeds. I blog what is in my heart and realize there have been so many people before you to come and make a mess in my aorta. My keep bleeding love in a way, but I will take a transfusion from the best and His name is Jesus. He will restore all that I have done wrong inside of my heart. No one can stop me from His will and His plan. I may be all alone in terms of my status; however, at least I know where I am going and I will never settle for less even if it means more stress. 

        I once was told that I have a gift of words, do not confuse my single love song for your broken-heart. I say what I mean and I tell it straight up with no sugar coating because I am not a splenda to make it taste sweet. My mind plays no games when it comes to my passion, and you can leave the old fashions for your grammy or papi, because honey I am too much for all of these foolishness called KeKe challenge. 

Drop the mic !!!

Ana in the house y'all !!!!

I love me. Major Lol. 


Ana :) 

KEKE me Lol    


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