Babysitting/ Babysitter

     Oh baby baby, how was I suppose to know .... hit me baby one more time. Oh oops, my bad not that kind of baby. Major Lol. I meant like an infant baby. I had the privilege to be raise by my angel aka mommy till I was school age. I did got to daycare for a couple of weeks once, but my mom ended up taking care of me again. I also, went to after school program - that's like a babysitter- during my first years in elementary school. 

      My dad took care of me for about 2 years all on his own. He literally paid for like maybe 6 different babysitter for me and in the end he just gave up and left me at home after he picked me up from school. Out of those different babysitters, I did have my favs!!! For example, this one lady was I believe Colombian as well, she would cook me real breakfast with everything: toasted buttered bread, hot chocolate, eggs, and maybe ham or bacon. She was a great cook, and she never missed a meal. I was eating so good, but she charged like $100.00 per three days something like that and my dad was too cheap to pay up. So she only babysat me for like a week. 

    I had this one younger babysitter who offered me toasted bread with melted butter or cheese and ever since I tried it - I would only ask her for that same food. She would always ask, " Are you sure that's all you want?" and I would always say, " Yes" but in reality as a 8 year old I didn't know what else to ask for. She also was a short lived time. One time, I was just staying at his job (my dad's is a mechanic) and there was no real office to stay in except a tiny room. So I just stayed in my dad's car with the windows up and the air was off. There was a construction going on in the front of the car shop and they reported me inside the car. The cops knocked on my window and I was so freaked out. I was just coloring my coloring books in the back seat. 

    After that day my father never let me stay in the car. I was so scared, because I didn't understand what was going on and my English wasn't that great either. Apart from that incident, I was always safe with the people that babysat me. 

    On the other hand, I have babysat for other people as well. I was my brothers babysitter and I was only eight years old. I was the best babysitter too. I helped my mom babysit this beautiful little girl and we still talk about her till this day. She is always in our thoughts and we miss her dearly. I wish deep down, somehow I still could babysit but school and work limits my time. Not to mention my volunteering events I attend often. 

    Overall, I have plenty of babysitting experience both as a the babysitter and the baby being watched Lol. Hope you enjoyed yet another piece of my life's journey. I will make a commitment to set a due date for my book or else this is never gonna get done. 

Love y'all, 


Ana :)


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