Divorced Parenthood

         I knew the minute it took place, it wasn't gonna last. It may seem wrong in my part to automatically assume my parents marriage would fail, but I knew them. It happened in my birthday month & week I think, so this made it even worse to deal with because they said it was a birthday present - worst present ever. I was only 6 or 7 years old when my parents got married, and I didn't want them to get married because I knew my father didn't love my mother. 
          After about three years of failed marriage, my father filed for divorce while my mother was living in Colombia and he was residing in the states - they got married in Galveston, Texas. My mother was taken back and she was extremely mad that he didn't even consult her about it. She signed it right away and knew it was the right choice. I now look back, and realize my brother wasn't even part of the divorce papers because my father hadn't acknowledged him as his own son. 

           I never had the family experience- where their was no father figure, but a male provider. My mother has been more of a father-figure to me and anyone else. I basically lost the support of my father the moment I left Colombia at age 11. He stopped supporting me financially and also forgot I too needed a father in my life. He had the audacity to make me feel guilty for not dropping my whole life here in the states to return to Colombia to take care of him full-time. 

          As a child of divorced parents at age 9, I can say with absolute confidence that they made the right choice. I have seen so many parents that remain married to keep the family together. Yet, how can they say they're together when there is verbal abuse and so much distance between each other? I prefer parents be divorced and avoid the pain of seeing their failed marriage continue to cause damage to their kids. You can always be a mother or a father to your children without the need to remain in a failed marriage. 

          I pray I never have to experience this in my lifetime with my children. I don't want them to have to experience the separation of parents and I also hope my marriage remains healthy throughout the years till death do us part. Divorce is never easy; however, in most cases it is the right choice to make for the good of all. 

Till next time my beloved bloggers,


ANA :)

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