Burn Care 101

   Bonjour mon amies!!!! 

   I am a burn survivor of over 25 years and I love being able to be an advocate for the voiceless. I understand what it means to be a trauma patient and to be hospitalized for weeks on end. I have been in the OR more times than I can remember and been through physical therapy, outpatient clinics, inpatient consultations, etc. Throughout the years I have acquired knowledge on burn care. 

      Many people take one glance my way and automatically give me the pitiful look. I hate it more than words could express. I understand my complexion is the absolute opposite from the norm. 
  • "In 2004, nearly 11 million people worldwide were burned severely enough to require
  •  medical attention" - from the website : http://www.who.int/en/news-room
  • /fact-sheets/detail/burns
6.4 billion people were alive in 2004, if we average of the percentage it is estimated to 0.17% of the population were actually burnt that year worldwide. It was less than a percent of the global population. Which comes to the conclusion that we (burn survivors) are rare to society; hence the discrimination and indifference towards us. 

     As a burn survivor, your life forever changes in every single aspect, and you have to live by certain precautions. 

  1.  Stay out of the sun 
  2.  Keep lubricated 24/7 
  3. Avoid overheating - because you no longer have the sweat glands available to cool your body down as usual
  4. Avoid staying in the pool for too long - chlorine causes damage & irritation 
  5. Avoid temperatures that are too hot or too cold - you no longer have the layers of skin to protect you from the heat or cold & the burns turn red and start to hurt 
  6. BE careful to not fall down or hit your burn skin because it is more susceptible to injury that can result in an open wound 
  7. The burnt skin becomes tight over time and may require incisions to release the skin 
    I have had several skin grafts in order to provide me with a better lifestyle and enable me to operate physically. I wish people would just let us be and understand our skin has nothing to do with having a disability. We are just as capable as anyone else to function normally and achieve success. Our brains were not damaged internally; therefore, we have the capability to learn and be successful in whatever we endeavor. 

    If you want to be helpful, just treat us like normal people even though we look completely different from the world. So, that's pretty much it in a bottle. Burn survivors are cool people and they know not to be judgmental- hence everyone else is judging us. 

     Till next time, 


Ana :)



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