Recap 2023 in 2024 #Amilikey

     Good Evening beautiful bloggers of mine!!!! I have official started the new year with my first blog entry recapping the highlights of last year. I presume everyone is well and able to enjoy this very first piece of delightful writing. I hope to increase all my numbers by 3x as much as last year's stats. I currently have three humbling subscribers and I hope to have at least nine or more by the end of this year. If you haven't officially subscribed to my blog-- and you are a frequent flyer in this space -- do subscribe!!! It takes just a few clicks here and there and no monthly fees necessary. 

    I had a blast in 2023, with wonderful new experiences such as the dolphin tour boat ride in Clearwater for my birthday celebration. I ate new culinary items like the grilled octopus by the beach -- also in Clearwater. Major Lol. One of the most important highlights was changing employers -- one who offers better pay and hours. I delighted myself by being able to go to the beach more times than in all past years. I also accomplished another goal I had set out to prove for a long time in regards to my commitment in the same workplace. Before my previous employer, my workforce timeline appeared a bit frazzled and fragmented due to unwavering circumstances. I was only able to work for a few months at a time in four other companies minus the multiple weeks of day labor in several agencies. So, people questioned my commitment and loyalty to work for one employer at a time. 

    They did not think I was capable of having stability in the workplace, but all the previous resignations were under a valid cause and personal circumstance. I showed my former employer that I was able to sustain employability for more than a few months at a time. I remained loyal and dedicated for a whole 24 consecutive months. If the former employer, had valued me as an employee I'd still be with them, but corporate greed and personal preferences never allowed them to see clearly. For me -- reaching that two year work anniversary was fundamental -- proving that I can be a consistent and reliable worker was a benchmark I had been longing to showcase everyone who doubted me and my work ability. I think if I could tally the amount of hours worked there it must have been on average a total of almost 4,200 hours in the span of two years if not more. 

    In essence fixing my resume's timeline, was a top priority for me as a hard-working civilian. The notion that I couldn't hold on to a job was absolutely gut-wrenching to hear, because I knew that it wasn't for lack of work ethic or capabilities to do a job well enough for a long period of time. I am forever grateful that they allowed me that opportunity even if they never appreciated it. Now, as I continue to explore my medical field options and growth -- I am happy to know I can remain with the same employer I have now and just change my role as an employee without losing the accrued time. I look forward to continuing my journey in the medical field one step at a time, but working with such flexible schedules allows me to dream big and push forward to what's next academically. 

    Another wonderful highlight in 2023, was my amateur running in 5K races both in April and in June. They were both locally, but left an amazing sense of satisfaction knowing with each race I improved on my times and gained even more confidence in my ability to perform better. I look forward to continuing that fitness journey as well and keep getting that 5K to my best time possible. One day not too far from now, I'd like to be able to continue my running in other places outside my district. I will never really medal 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in my age range because there is too much competition and super athletic women who have long legs, but knowing that I can still beat other people in different age groups still feels incredible. For example, in my professional photograph of my finishing first race you can see in the background a taller more muscular fit woman who I clearly surpassed by a few seconds. I am not presuming or showing off, but I do deserve credit for pushing through the heat and exhaustion to beat someone better built than me. 

    Running for me is very special, because it makes me appreciate the scars that cover my legs and how they are still able to perform races with healthier scarless people physically. What I once was afraid to showcase because I was embarrassed -- has now become such an empowering feeling of freedom and I can attitude!!! My legs are scarred but they are so strong and powerful enough to endure 3.1 miles nonstop. Of course throughout the race I feel the pain of any normal physical endurance, but I press forward knowing I am doing it to bring Glory and Honor to my God who saved me and healed me from my almost fatal accident now 31 years ago. I pray from here on out there will be warmed temperatures so I can restart my training for my annual April 5K race. I like to race outdoors when I train because running on a treadmill is just not the same. 

    Alright, I believe I covered the most important highlights of last year with cute little insiders too. Lastly, I want to see if I made at least one blog goal I had mentioned in previous blogs to post on a consistent basis to add up to more than the previous year. Answer: I did!!! Okay, so technically I had made a commitment to post once a week so that is a total of 4 blogs per month. In this part of my goal, I did not sustain completion. I posted less than four post per month after my hot month in September which I had found a temporary trend. I know I should be bolder about improving this blog content by increasing its output, so here on January 21st 2024 Sunday: I want to set a goal to post 50 blog post in 2024. On average that would require for me to post 4 to 5 post per month. It really isn't an unreasonable goal to attain and maintain. I still have so many unexplored topics I'd like to shed light on and bring enlightenment to as well from a well-rounded/faith based persona. In 2018, I had a total of 30 blog post and that was one of my most reckless years so clearly it is possible to discipline myself to maintain a consistent blogging ethic. 

    As I grow as a blogger, I will also improve in all other areas of my life, because it shows I can construct a game plan and execute without blemishes. So as per usual, please remember "You are not a mistake, because God is perfect and He does not make mistakes." You are here for a purpose and a lifetime plan that will be revealed to you as soon as you give Jesus a chance to enter your vida (life)!!!! 

Till then stay safe and never give up on life no matter the constant hardships and disappointments that come your way. Make sure you leave a comment, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged and much much more appreciated. Remember to check out my Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube channel with the one and only favorite #Amilikey 



Ana :) 



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