Hello 2023 #amilikey

     Good Day Bloggers!! We have officially made it into 2023!!! Unbelievable how time just keeps flying in the blink of an eye. I started off the year strong with a 5K training session and then somehow in between caught the common cold. After I finally recovered from it, I am starting to plan out the next few weeks endeavors. Since last year when I saw the announcement, I was so excited and thrilled to see an in-person 5K race. Previously, I had done a virtual 5K on  my own and it was exciting as well. 

    I have officially registered as of today and I cannot wait for the amazing day to come. If you would like to participate, please feel free to visit the link and find out more about this upcoming event in April 2023. https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/Tampa/tampafirefighters. As a burn survivor myself, this was a match made in heaven for me to take part in as it raises funds for burn victims. T-shirts will be included in the registration fee and they also have special events after the race. 

    Tampa Fire 5K race is the main topic of my post today and a quick reminder that I also have the YouTube channel where I have several videos for your encouragement and entertainment. I want to make a commitment that my blog posts will be more consistent and frequent, but I just haven't quiet mastered that writers flow. Major Lol. My only goal this year is to make more post than last year that really captivate the audience with an inspiring message. I hope to include even a few well-versed links to support my topics of discussion. Moving forward this new year, progress will be made through reaching new goals and pushing myself to accomplish new things such as improving my health. 

    Thank you for taking these few minutes to read this post. The very first post of this brand new exciting year, and a starter for double the amount of last years posts. I want to elaborate on the main focus of blogging: which has always been to inspire and motivate everyone out there in this challenging world. My most famous one liner: "You are not a mistake and you do have a purpose because God doesn't make mistakes." Be encouraged today and everyday to push through the hardship you may be facing and think about all the beautiful things you can still look forward to experiencing one day after the trials are over. Take care and remember use my hashtag on all social media to follow me!!!


Ana :)   #amilikey 



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