Beach Day ⛱ #amilikey


Greetings Bloggers, I have been preoccupied for some time  now. These past few weeks away from my blog have been productive. Although the official date is two days away, I have been congratulated by my corporate colleagues and even received a decorate one year anniversary balloon 🎈 at work. 

   This goal was accomplished with a lot of hard work and personal sacrifice that only the Lord truly understands. I have endured harsh criticism from former employees who were never even qualified for their own position; yet, I pressed on until new people came in to relieve me of such constant annoyance with micromanagement. I've risen to learning new techniques and skills that I have executed to the best of my ability. I mention that to emphasize how valuable I am as an employee with versatility. 

     My reward to celebrate my workforce goal came with two consecutive days off of work as PTO. I planned one of those days as a beach day. It was a sunny morning πŸŒ„ 😎 with very few people( which is exactly what we were looking for) and beautiful waves. Unfortunately, the summer rains 🌧 poured out shortly after just two hours of our arrival, so we packed it along for the day and head to lunch. 

   We had a lunch at a new restaurant never before explored by us. I selected to sit at the booth tables with a neon pink sign that read "You are exactly where you need to be" and I just had to get that in my pics. The waiter was very courteous and the food was also very tasteful. If you would like more details just visit my Instagram page @realamilikey25 for all the photos. 

    My emphasis on a beach day title is meant to bring awareness to celebrating you! Everyone is deserving of a self love gratification for accomplishing a goal. The goal can be anything productive you have attained like losing weight or acquiring a new skill. In my case, I choose to reward myself with a beach day and I loved every minute I spent there soaking in the sunshine. You can have a beach day as a reminder of all your effort and success. 

    As always, remember you're not a mistake from a cheap condom and some horney parents. God created you with a purpose and a plan to live out. Dust yourself off all your past failures, mistakes, bad decisions and gain confidence that you're worth it. Embrace your journey with Jesus in your heart and open your mind to His ways. 


Love , 



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