Dee N A mystery here I come

     Good Afternoon Beautiful bloggers and readers!!! I just want to apologize for keeping you waiting  anxiously for my new blog post. I know the few readers that take their time to read my posts are always so thrilled after I post. On Saturday evening, I laid down on my bed to watch some local TV (because I don't pay for cable ) and there was this very interesting documentary about DNA testing. 

    I have watched other episodes on this new technology called Genetic Genealogy on one of my favorite shows 20/20 on ABC network. Cece (the genetic genealogist) has been able to assist in cold cases to track down the criminals in recent years. Her work is just phenomenal in how much she dives into the family trees to track down the DNA links. It is such a reward to be able to link long lost relatives through DNA testing and I have been thinking about adding my DNA to the pool of databases in hopes I too might find my other half siblings. 

    Unfortunately, my father's irresponsibility has led him to foster or just genetically produce offspring for quiet some time. He was never a sperm donor that I know of, but he just never kept his pants on for much time; in other words he slept around mostly while being drunk and impregnating women left and right. I mean no disrespect to my father; however, as one of his many biological children, I too am impacted by his actions. My mother always tells me to get DNA tested before I get married just in case. Apart from that very realistic reasoning-- I want to meet my half siblings. I long for that one on one encounter to be able to make them a part of my life. We share DNA, but to me it's so much more than that -- I want to be able to spend time with them. 

    Most of them are probably residing in Colombia my birth place, but then again people migrate and move from one country to the other in their lifetime. Just look at me, I was born there but ended residing in the states for the rest of my life. One day I remember having such a vivid dream about meeting one of my older brothers and his kids. In that dream, I felt so happy to be embraced by my big brother with a hug and to know that I could meet my nephews. It would be an honor to be linked to my half siblings and be able to give them my sincere love and kindness. To be able to finally have that part of my life unraveled and the mystery to end. I want to let them know ever since I found out about their existence it made me wish I could meet them. As an adult, I have learned to appreciate having a family that much more and it is for this reason I want to complete my family tree with my half siblings. 

    If you know there is someone out there who exists, but you don't know where to begin looking for them --I suggest to try the DNA testing and give yourself the opportunity to find them. I plan to order my kit and begin my own journey soon enough. I pray something beautiful and wonderful comes from this adventure and I am introduced to my half siblings. Perhaps, even meet second cousins at least too!!! I struggle with the idea of ever having a family of my own given how men have treated me in the past, but I also can't deny how much I still desire/hope it might still come true before I am 35. I do not want to be an old mom and being married without kids to me isn't a true family. I understand some couples do not want kids, but at least by fostering one or two you'd be helping someone in need. I see married couples without kids as partially being selfish, because you have more than enough to be a helping hand -- so why not! It makes me so upset that most of them also have some kind of pet instead too. So you are telling me that you don't want any responsibilities or don't want the burden of expenditures; yet, you have a pet that eats daily and requires regular medical upkeep like visiting the vet. 

    Anyways, I just have the heart of gold and I want to be helpful 24/7 to everyone I come across. People would rather adopt a pet versus an actual human being who has a soul and mind. Pets just die and no they do not go to heaven or hell -- they just disappear back into dust. I am not promoting animal cruelty, but people need to get their priorities straight -- humans are more important than pets. Now, back to the theme of this post about genealogy, I encourage more people to join the database so we can a) help find our own relatives or b) help solve criminal cases by tracking down second cousins. Ultimately, everyone has a choice to make in life, and I only hope one of those many decisions is swabbing your cheeks to provide your DNA. 

    Privacy about your records: should not be the factor that deviates you away from participating in the genetic pool currently helping so many people. If you have nothing to fear as far as crimes go, then I once again kick you in the butt and tell you to go ahead with DNA testing. (A very friendly and gentle kick to push you forward in motivation) 

    As always it has been a joy to blog about my inner brain workings aka my thoughts/ideas/opinions with you all. I know not everyone agrees with me or my POVs but I think you can always get something positive out of everything I say. Remember, when you  are feeling the blues and want to give up on life -- THERE IS HOPE WHILE THERE IS LIFE!!! Nobody is perfect, and no matter how much you screwed up God's Grace can redeem you from it all and provide a fresh start. Begin to love yourself wherever you are in life and allow God to pour in His love to change your life around for the better. 

Thank you for reading my humble blog!!! As always feedback is encouraged and welcomed!! For more content on me just use #amilikey on all your social media.


___ Ana :)




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