Progress is possible with one key

 Good Afternoon Bloggers, 

    I am pleased to come to you today with new motivation and inspiration. In January, I was able to achieve a goal I thought seemed almost impossible a few months back. All throughout my lifetime I had struggled with the labor force acquisition, and it wasn't until this past summer I acquired full-time employment once again in the medical arena I was seeking. So with that in mind, I successfully completed my 6 - months work anniversary that to me meant the world. Previously,  I had only been able to maintain my past jobs  for about three to four months due to unwavering circumstances. 

    I went to the local grocery store and bought me a big chocolate cake to celebrate my benchmark with my family. It has not been easy to maintain the motivation and drive to work at this one location for that long of a time, because let's be real (being short staffed is not the environment anyone wants to be a part of ever) one person cannot physically do the job of multiple people all at once. However, the reward I receive with daily patient gratitude and monetary salary compensation keeps me going. Let me make sure that last statement is clearly understood: a) some patients see the excellent customer service I provide to them and thank me sincerely for helping them out; b) my company pays well in terms of salary wage (and because we are short staffed I always end up doing overtime which converts into more money per paycheck for me). 

    On that high note, I was recently considered for a new and upcoming position that is recently being created as the company continues to grow and expand. Honestly, there is no absolute guarantee that I will be the last candidate selected for this new role, but just the consideration alone brings about some validation for all the hard work I put forth each and every day. On a more personal note, moms are always right unfortunately, (Major Lol) because from an early age my mom recommended me to choose a career in healthcare like becoming a nurse. I , as a immature teenager, kept telling her she was out of her mind if she thought I was going to keep spending more time in a hospital after all the years I had already done as a patient myself. My arrogance to want to prove to people I was smart and talented enough to be an architect blurred my vision to my true calling. 

    In my mind, I just saw becoming a nurse as being in a hospital all the time and I didn't want that for my future at all. I was missing the whole point of being a nurse - which should be patient advocacy and the love for treating patients. Once I was denied entrance into the master's program at USF, I diverted my attention to pursue urban planning through my bachelor's degree in geography. Unfortunately, without the basics of having a regular job or a car made going to college more complex for me personally. Whenever there was an outing for curricular activities outside the classroom it almost seemed like I was automatically disqualified and it felt horrible each and every time. This not only hindered me academically, but on a emotional level too. At this point, I was determined to seek a new avenue that would help me become employed for sure. I started working at the local hospital in housekeeping while obtaining my certificate for medical office administration. 

    My journey was going to school full-time during the day and working the afternoon shift at the hospital. It was here that I discovered my true calling and passion for a career in the medical field. Every day I would greet patients in their hospital bed and I would provide just the basic assistance like bringing them extra towels, socks, cups, etc. I genuinely could relate to all the patients regardless of their medical diagnosis, because I knew what it meant to be an inpatient for so many reasons even ER visits. The supervisors could just tell I had that patient advocacy and always assigned me the areas of retouch-up so I could interact with the patients in order to bring up our scores. Next, I began my externship at a pediatric neurology clinic where I kept interacting with patients and learning more about the administrative side of the medical field. 

    So, in short - I love being able to a) feel the sense of usefulness that had been denied to me for so long; b) assist the patients in all their medical inquiries from an administrative position; c) relate to the patients in their medical need. All in all, I will continue to learn, grow, and give my very best to the patients and cliental we serve. I hope this blog inspires and motivates others to never give up on making progress in life even as small as a six-months work anniversary. The one key to progress will always be: perseverance!!!!! Yes, sometimes you feel underappreciated and not valued for the great work you provide not just at work but at home or with friends; however, do not forget that you matter and what you bring to the table has an impact on your social peers. In other words, take courage enough not to give up when things are tough and uncomfortable in any situation, because in due season you too shall reap the reward for all the good you do. As always, I appreciate the few views on this post and give my friendly reminder that you are not a mistake from broken condom or a mistake in general. Regardless of your upbringing and your struggles, let God the giver of life change your life into a meaningful and purpose filled life. 


Love Ana :)

P.S. My Instagram was reinitiated under @realamilikey25   come follow and enjoy my daily shenanigans Lol      


  1. felicitaciones 🍾🤗🥂 por este logro, solo tu sabes lo que te ha costado llegar a dónde estás, y el camino recorrido, me hace feliz que des pasos hacia tu sueño y algún día si Dios lo permite tengas tu propia clínica 🤗🍾


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