
 Good Evening the 1% of viewers to this blog!!! I know, that I know better than what I allowed to happen to me about over a month ago. I love using social media as a platform to share my ups and downs in life. To continuously allow the world into my life in hopes that they might receive some encouragement and motivation in the midst of so much chaos. 

As the followers know, I had been building and working on my Instagram page for over three years and was almost at 500 followers, which yes in the grand scope of things it is not a big deal. For me it did mean a lot of hard work and more importantly great memories that were all journaled through my page. One Saturday morning I received a message from an old high school friend and I knew her very well. She asked if I wanted to enter or receive some giveaway money her company was giving out. At first it seemed to good to be true, but I also knew she is a real plus size model so I kept thinking maybe it could be. I should have stuck to my gut feeling and not have been money hungry or whatever you want to call it. I allowed these fools to persuade me into changing my personal assigned email on my Instagram account and there within seconds my account was gone from under me. 

I was so shocked and amazed how quickly everything escalated and I contacted my friend via Facebook just to learn it really was true-- she too had fallen victim to the same scammers and had taken over her account just three days prior to taking mine too. I filled multiple forms on Instagram help center and reported them with other people's account but so far nobody has reached out to help me recover my account. They even created a fake ID stating that I work for this company that is bitcoin giveaway and I exposed them via Twitter and created a new Instagram account to attempt to expose them that way too. Instagram doesn't care about a small page that had less than 500 followers and I believe that is just unfair to ignore the problems of people like myself who honestly made a huge mistake. 

I didn't want to start over at first because I was just so upset about the whole matter. Later on, I realized my page was always much more than just another page to gain followers and rack up profit gains $$$. I enjoyed my page because it allowed me to share my story and gave me a purpose to always remind myself someone else needs to hear what I have to say. I am not the only one who has fallen on hard times and has experienced traumatic events; however, everyone's story is unique and it must be told. I also keep in touch with my family who are so far away from me. I blog, post, twit, share and like because it makes me happy and I'd like to believe it can help at least one person feeling blue on any given day. 

I pray these individuals realize that scamming people out of accounts to attempt to steal other people's money is not a great lifestyle to endure. In one way or another, EVERYONE PAYS for their wrong doings and it's not just in eternity. Scammers -- you have more skills to be put to good use and your lives matter beyond self-gain. I hope the FBI and whoever monitors online criminal activity speedup their arrest so less people will be targeted by these cold-hearted scammers. 

On a much brighter note, I am happy to notify that for the very first time in my life I was able to use my hard earned PTO and it felt great. I almost felt like a rich person making money without actually working. Major Lol. It literally was only five hours but it still felt great and I am looking forward to one day having a whole week of PTO and actually going on a real vacation. 

I hope this very last week of 2021 helps you make the right decisions for 2022. This year didn't start off as great as I would have hoped but surely as the months passed by it definitely got a lot better for me. So take courage and join me in 2022 for more blogs (hopefully better consistency) and stories that will inspire you and give you motivation to go on to success. 

Love, Xoxoxoxoxo - Ana :)

Follow the new Instagram at realamilikey25 


  1. Bueno ánimo, la gente que hizo eso tarde que temprano va pagar sus malas acciones!


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