Show Love


I hope everyone out there is having a blessed day and currently a great weekend too. I know I keep trying to keep up my consistency with these blogs, but I am pretty preoccupied in real life - so bare with me ya'll. I enjoy sharing my good news as well as my struggles because that is the transparency I like to keep between me and the audience I have built over these past few years. I admit sometimes I share maybe a little too much, but I can't help it sometimes to share and express how I feel about something. 

    Today I want to briefly touch up on the principle of showing love to one another. Is it easy to love someone who loves you back ? Yes. Is it easy to love someone you just really like as a person ? Yes. Is it easy to love someone who has done you dirty over and over again ? No, it sure is not at all!!!!!!!!

The hardest thing in life is to be able to turn the other cheek and receive the bash. We are prone to respond in retaliation regardless of the circumstance because it is human nature. However, when we let God take control of our lives and our emotions we learn quickly that a loving-kind word turns wrath down from an evil heart. God loved us when we didn't even know Him because that is TRUE LOVE. The ability to love unconditionally and love those who in our own judgement are not worthy of it is the right choice always. We have to remember it is not up to us to change someone's behavior with our words, but we can only show them love so they may have a reason to believe there is a different kind of love only found in Christ Jesus. 

    Showing love is not about throwing money at the people in need, but if someone has a need and you are able to supply it then do it with grace in your heart. We can show God's love in so many ways it can be put in a manual of over 100 categories. I constantly remind myself that when I obey men's law I am also showing love to God by accepting that those people are in power for a reason and to submit to a law so long as it does not contract God's word is okay. I have to remind myself that those in power are deserving of respect just like anyone else but I also submit myself to their counsel as part of my obedience to the Lord in that I do everything on to Him. 

    My previous employers have not been the easiest to deal with because of their lack of professionalism and inadequate administration. They definitely were placed without the right judgment of qualifications but merely personal likes which is unprofessional. I honestly did my best to accept their order while still staying true to being a good employee. I pray they all realize it is not about bossing people around and belittling them, but about the service they provide the customers they serve. At this particular time and date I can't show my years of experience in one sector alone; nonetheless, I know I have great leadership skills that would benefit any company. My view is not about the greatest amount of profit I can generate to the company; rather the quality of service customers can agree to receiving is the best. I care about the people and I know if greater quality service is provided the people on their own will come in large numbers so expansion is relying on quality of service. 

    I show love at my job each and every day to the best of my ability. I sometimes have to bite my tongue to the actions of some, but regardless I am trying to show love to all each and every day. Do I always get it right ? I definitely do not unfortunately, but God's grace is sufficient to keep me pushing forward. I want to show love in every way I can and I know love changes things and gives people the hope and inspiration to never give up in life. 

Reset your mind to show love in every way you can and I promise your life will always have meaning. Now, where can you start ? Begin by asking God to pour into your spirit His love so that you have the right source to give from. Next, love yourself just as you are right now with all of your imperfections and make sure you don't leave yourself in last place. Family and friends will always be there for you to show them love, but begin by showing yourself some love from you to you too !!! 

As always I hope this short blog helps and motivates someone to go forth and make the right changes to a better life. You are not a mistake because your mom's one night stand or broken condom. Your parents may have not planned for your arrival, but it was in God's plan all along. So give him a real chance to enter your life and start using you for His Glory. 


Ana :) 


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