Abolish this ...

     Good afternoon bloggers all across America and the great planet earth - no aliens because they're not real- Major Lol. Alright, let me dive-in into this promised topic of discussion I did mention in my last video on my YouTube channel. Disclosure - there is a YouTube channel with great video content and I STRONGLY suggestion viewing them!!! I am all about creativity and I believe with the limited resources available to me now I have done fairly well. 

    Sandra Bullock is a great actress, one of the favorite lines in the movie Miss Congeniality, "World Peace" as she was trying to give her speech part of the contest in the pageant. Everyone knows this world is messed up to the tee; lacking so many reforms and serious changes. I personally would love to contribute to that change by abolishing things that do not benefit the majority. One of the many things I'd like to get my hands on is jury duty. You read it correctly, JURY DUTY is absolutely the most idiotic idea established by government among others. 

    Let me break it down for you so that there is no wavering understanding of what it represents and why it doesn't serve the people. 

    "Jury duty is your duty as an American to serve as a juror during a court proceeding. When you serve on a jury, you're ensuring the defendant's Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial and an impartial jury." (07.07.21, https://www.thebalancecareers.com/what-is-jury-duty-1917981)

Here we have extrapolated the definition of the basic concept of jury duty; now let's go beyond the definition by discussing the real life implications of partaking in this matter. The selection process is absolutely inconvenient and not thoroughly regulated. For example, requesting someone with mental disabilities to jury duty is an error and it goes to show they do not do a comprehensive preliminary selection. Okay, so perhaps a few errors in summoning people to serve as a juror occur, no big deal right? No, it may be a human-mistake, but let's consider that it takes time to submit these requests. Those people in charge of selecting jurors could have been working on real civic cases that demand attention and resources. 

    Once the jury has been selected, these people are responsible for giving a guilty verdict or not about a case that they are not qualified to oversee. The basic requirements to be a juror are simple: be 18 years old, a citizen, a resident of the state and county with a valid ID. Out of those basic requirement does it ever mention being a professional of the topic which the court case is based on? No! So, ordinary common citizens are suppose to be analyzing facts about a crime that they have no experience in and make a decision. How is that not absolutely WRONG!! People are being put before the court to receive a true verdict of their possible innocence, and it shouldn't be up to unqualified people to decide if they are guilty or not. How could I be able to measure the facts presented before me when I do not hold expertise in that specific area? I cannot because in order to have a valid opinion on a subject you have to be well-versed in that subject. No referee in any professional league sport is placed as a referee without having absolute knowledge on all the rules and regulations that sport must adhere by. Yet, here we are placing people at random to sit in on a case and just look at the facts. 

    If there is going to be a jury: it should be made up of only professional jurors capable of really taking into consideration every fact presented before them. For instance, in a murder trial: there should be retired cops, investigators, forensic analyst, psychologists, psychiatrist, sociologists, even ex-convicted murderers. It is these specific group of people who actually have something to offer at a professional level to have the right to say those facts absolutely convict the person of the crime based on our experience. A person who committed the crime before will know a lot more about the accused person on trial than a mailman or a teacher. Everyone deserves to be judged with accuracy and the jury cannot be people who are not qualified. 

    The best way to go about convicting people of the crimes they are accused of would be to have the correct jury group of lawyers and professionals on the subject. These people are prosecuted by the state with assigned lawyers and the people who can afford to sponsor their own lawyers. It is professional lawyers who always present the facts of the case to the judge and the jury. So, it makes perfect sense to allow the jury to be made up of lawyers who can not only understand the facts but genuinely analyze them to see if it is a lawyer tactic or a real evidence. A mixture of lawyers and professionals would be the correct selection for a jury. 

    I have never personally been selected for jury duty to this date, but when and if the time arises I will gladly let them know I am not supporting this concept and yes I am biased to the case automatically. Also, I will be working full-time to be wasting time in something I do not believe in is being executed correctly. I really hope there is an internal change in the judicial system where the juror is not at random, but it is overseen by qualified people alone. 

    As always thanks for taking a few minutes to read this humble blog. I write not for fame or monetary compensation, but as an outlet of my thoughts/ideas/experiences that will enable someone to make better choices than I have. I am all about motivation and inspiration; it might sound cliché because so many before me have said it - I go beyond saying it but also meaning it as I have lived it. Full disclosure - many do not know I do re-read my blogs from time to time and although the stats aren't high in volume: it really does encourage me and reminds me why I do keep going through thick and thin. So, I have spoken enough for today, but remember you are not a mistake, you have a purpose, and the hardest one to accept (even I sometimes have trouble) you are good enough [for someone or something - relationship or career]. God loves you so don't disregard Him and see what He can do for you when you give Him a place in your life. 

Love xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo,

- Ana :) 



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