Fitness 101 for me


    Greetings bloggers!!!! I am here again, so come spare me a few minutes of your time and let's get going. To the new readers (which hopefully there are new comers) I just want to inform you I am an open-book as much as possible about my life. I do my best to keep people's identity private and only share that which is directly my experience. 

    Growing up in my childhood, I have always been an active person. I remember being so excited about recess time every day in school; playing on the playground nonstop with my classmates. The monkey bars were truly my favorite to the point that I developed a bacterial infection on my left hand and was out of school for a whole week -- recovering with daily treatment. Even with my medical restrictions to be out of the sun and be careful not to fall or scrape my legs: I still kept my playful time with the rest of the kids until they forced me to take a break. 

    I also admired the cheerleading, figure-skating, and any sport that kids were allowed to play in school. In my mind, I always wanted to be a part of the school's team, but the reality of the lack of resources always kept me away. At the age of eleven I discovered my favorite sport -- basketball -- and since then I always wanted to shoot hoops in school and in my own personal time as well. I admit after all these years I still can't dunk or dribble the ball in between my legs. 

    Unfortunately, with my love of good food and college stress I never lost the extra few pounds I've always needed to loose. I began walking more vigorously right after high school as my primary means of transportation. It helped me not gain any more weight, but it never really helped me get in better shape. I had a desire to join a gym and it didn't happen until last year. Men always admire women who have a six pack or have flat abdomen -- I knew I wanted to look that fit too. 

    The real catalysts for my fitness began at my local church. We have this awesome fitness instructor who began giving us some free workout classes, and I was really excited to see the progress. Unfortunately, with COVID-19 everything got derailed and we no longer came as a group to exercise. I then was able to take maybe 3 or 4 more classes as my budget could afford. He motivated me to start running and I was so impressed with the progress I was making each time improving on my distance and times. During full lockdown quarantine, I also challenged myself to do a 45 minute workout on my own and later on found a great YouTube workout that I also did several times. 

    The weight loss journey is literally the hardest thing anyone can go through as a person. It takes so much dedication and will-power to push through especially on the days you are sore. The most recent workout I came across is the 500 abs challenge: it is a set of 4 or 5 different ab routines and you just go through them each until the full cycle is complete nonstop. I thought it was just too much for me to handle; however, it really takes just the initiative to begin something new. I took about 40 minutes to complete the cycle the first time and took approximately 15 to 30 seconds in between each set. I tried three different variations of the 500 abs challenge and then created a version I liked best out of all the routines available. In full disclosure, I do wear a jacket/hoodie to ensure I break in sweat because the workout itself goes by quickly. 

    So there you have it, summed up with my experience in fitness. I do miss my gym membership, but I know I can still be fit on my own as long as I am consistent. Exercise equipment is helpful in maintaining movement -- yet it is the self-will that ensures real progress. Yes, it is scientifically true that having sex is considered a type of exercise because calories are being burnt. DISCLAIMER: You should ONLY engage in this activity if you are RIGHTFULLY LEGALLY MARRIED!!!!!! Otherwise you are only exposing yourself to emotional pain and it is NEVER worth the few calories burnt. Best recommendation for exercise is something you can perform with no equipment and outdoors with proper fitness clothing such as walking, jogging, and running.    

    One last inside personal experience, I did enjoy the eye candies while I ran by the Riverwalk because they were shirtless (only men should get away with it) chiseled abs with overall good shape bodies. Major Lol. Well that is all I have to share about my fitness endeavors. Remember it is part of your personal responsibility to take care of yourself physically by ensuring you are healthy. So be kind to yourself and loose that excess weight one sweat drop at a time before illness strikes back. God created the perfect human body to endure so much, but also it is our duty to maintain it and not abuse it. 



Ana :) 

P.s. if you want to view me in the gym in action just click here



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