Viral Outlook


    Good evening beloved bloggers!!! I am here -- finally after again in my usual slum of non-dedication to this blog site. I have to own it: I used to think if only I had internet at home I'd blog daily or weekly. It has been a year now since I reinstated my home service and as you can see -- that commitment is non-existent. The irony of wanting to blog so badly when I didn't have access to it fully versus having it and not doing it. Anyways, it's just an observation I had to put out there because it just popped into my brain as I started blogging. 

    I've had five personal laptops/desktop since I graduated high school, and I have to say I do miss the big screen and wireless keyboard. Another non-relevant side note I shared just because I like to get personal. Now to my topic of the night, I wanted to shed my POV on this COVID-19 pandemic we have been going through since last year. Everyone's experience is different and that is what makes our lives worth living. In my particular case, after being reluctant to resign from my then employment because I didn't want or was convenient for me to work from home -- I too abhorred this virus. 

    We can all agree that this virus has made our lives a lot more uncomfortable than we wanted and it made us realize we did not have it altogether. In the beginning, I never thought wearing a mask would actually become the norm for all public gatherings; these masks are now a new item on the grocery lists, because the reusable ones aren't long term use friendly. On the hot days of summer and fall, wearing a mask at work just was brutal even if it was outdoors. The mornings or times I actually forgot my mask I had to pay up the gas station fee which was ridiculously pricey for just one mask alone. 

    During these early days, I also thought well given the fact that I am uninsured there's no way I'll ever be able to afford the vaccine. Obviously, I wasn't paying attention to the news when they discussed the roll-out of the vaccine. Fast-forward to today -- I can finally say with confidence -- I am one shot away from my full vaccination. People are hesitant to get the vaccine and I understand their concerns, but if you are able to get it done than I say go for it. I am grateful that this vaccine is free of charge and they have made it accessible to all communities with multiple sites opened. 

    Honestly, I never thought I'd be vaccinated so quickly and above all I am merely assisting in our efforts to finally recover from this pandemic in the smallest of ways -- by being vaccinated. I want to do so much more -- I do -- and make a bigger change in society, unfortunately for now this is my way of contributing. If it was up to me I'd be the one administering more shots or being the one to help with distribution or just the actual medical care of those infected. I'm not an irresponsible person, so I know I am not medically qualified to do most of these medical care treatments, but I encourage those who are licensed and know how to medically help to do so. 

    I miss seeing people's smiles and I miss people seeing my smile. Although I never really got to enjoy all the outdoors activities there are to participate in: I still believe we are social people who need one another to socialize without so many restrictions. I am praying we no longer have to wear masks and that the gathering capacities return to normal everywhere. My biggest lesson during this pandemic has been to appreciate my freedom to go outside. The few consecutive days I quarantined felt like an eternity, and it made me appreciate my freedom that much more. Let us pray for those who have given up that freedom by being locked up in jail/prison or who are being held captive against their will. 

    Well, that is all I have for you all right now. Hope these short blogs someday make a difference in the life of somebody. Fame is never the end goal, but if it takes that to reach those in need than I do not objectify against it. One last small personal share: I probably have more journal entries than I do blog posts, but I just love writing period (mainly because as I write I am the sole speaker without interruptions). Again, I thank you for viewing my modest blog and I welcome your feedback!!! 

    If you messed up again, if you can't find the answer, if you are in the valley low: I want to let you know as hard as it is -- things can get better if you do not give up. Open your eyes and heart to God's calling and remember just because you are curious about faith doesn't mean you're a religious freak. Okay, have a great night and day too (in case the other side of the world views it ) Major Lol. 


Ana :) 



  1. Your a BRILLIANT 100% bLoGgInG Babe in ma book Ana 😍 WOOOHOOOOOO hUnny 😁 itz pURe MAGICKooLooK reading you over hEar 😎 Loud and Clear in the YABSS Bonnie ScotLand UK 😇 HaLyLoOyAh Hi5 🙏 Sis Namaste 🤩 keeping the PhUnKeY phUn Phaith 😘 X💜X...

    1. Thank you for your faithful support 🙏 ❤


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