Chapter 31 starts #amilikey

     Hey beloved people online who give oh so many views (cough cough ) not!!! Major Lol. Alright, it has been official for some time now. I am legally thirty-one years old. This new chapter in my life has started whether I was ready for it or not. I wanted my golden big numbered balloons, but it was so expensive I just couldn't do it this time around. Party city (tiene hambre de la buena --- google it) clearly needs to reevaluate their prices if they want to be a bit more inclusive of everyone who wants to celebrate important events. 

    Chapter 31 was celebrated with a nice birthday dress and cake -- view Instagram for the actual pics -- that I found at my local grocery store. Surprisingly received five different gifts this year and that was very nice. However, the very best unexpected gift in my life was being able to celebrate it with some social declutter and toxic removal. In life it is very hard to let go of what seems so comfortable and attachment to things/people who you think care about you. As they say, actions speaks louder than words: in my particular case, reactions speak volumes. I wish no one harm or hate on anyone, and I hope down the line they can actually see it that way. 

    My overall goals are still in progress and to those who constantly look at me with skepticism: I am not done making progress. Realistically speaking, "Yes" I should be way ahead of the curve but certain very bad choices in my part have hindered that success. Blame is a term no one wants to utilize, but I do blame no one other than me for my lack of achievements. The past 30 years of life have thought me valuable lessons and I will put them in place one at a time. To my past failed relationships: you clearly were not meant to be and I do deserve better even if I am not of your liking. 

    Starting a new chapter in my life is like hitting restart. There will be obstacles to jump over and many moments I will want to skip through; yet, none of it will stop me from continuing my journey with my faith. Despite the opposition and the questioning of my own faith, I know who I am and whose I am. God choose me to survive life altering situations and although I haven't been the most faithful: I have never turned away from God for good. My walk in Christ has been shaky and I've committed many sins I will regret forever, but none of that has ever eliminated my desire to serve Him and do whatever it is He wants me to do in life. People say I am judgmental because I speak truth about concepts I do not agree with or tolerate. I say they are wrong in perceiving me in such manner due to their disagreement of ration. 

    I am excited to live out my purpose in life and relieved that God is clearing out my path for greater things to come. I blog because I can, but more importantly: I do it as a way to express all that I have experienced with those in need of some encouragement. Do I have things to learn? Do I make mistakes? Do I open up easily ? Do I need to grow more maturely? Yes!!!! The answer will always be an affirmative yes. Moreover, as I display my life to you, I merely hope you can obtain a little bit of hope to move forward with your own timeline. Not everyone will be a prom king or queen, so remember that you can at least vote for who will become one. In other words, you may not be physically beautiful to popular opinion, but you can still have an impact on making your life count as a beautiful voice.  

     As always, remember God does not make mistakes and therefore your life has a reason to coexist here on planet earth. Finding that purpose: it won't be simple. Scream, cry and punch the pillow if you have to, but never give up on life because it is a hard one. Rejoice in the very small blessing you have now and get ready to acquire new ones up ahead if you place your full trust on Jesus the son of God. Take care and thank you for reading my humble blog. 



Ana :)  


  1. Replies
    1. Wow, it's so nice to get a feedback comment !!!! Thank you so much. You're welcome to read and comment on more previous blogs and view me on YouTube too 😉 😀 Lol


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