Relationship goals!!! #amilikey


    Greetings fellow few bloggers of mine!!! We are here in 2021; I don't know how we made it but we did it somehow. No need to rehash what went down in 2020. I just want to say I am forever grateful for my health and sanity still in place despite the horrible things that went down last year. 


    I made new friends over social media and in person. They each are special to me in their individual ways. I can attest to really learning a lot more about the dynamics of friendships and relationships in general. One particular individual, really has opened my eyes to see the flaws no one else was willing to enlighten me in, because they didn't have to interact with me on a daily basis. Looking back on it now I totally see how others perceived me as annoying. I am a mini sound effects lady and I do it naturally all the time without noticing it. My expressions are genuine in the moments reaction and I don't even notice them as they happen. I saw "ewwww" a lot and "Ohhhhhh" with the surprised expression too. 

    I do come off as very child-like persona, people don't take me seriously because I am too bubbly/cheery 24/7. It has taken a lot out of me to admit those traits can be overwhelming to deal with and I would benefit from toning it down. I am not a clown that laughs at just everything and anything either. My emotions are coming from a place of self-expression and not an automatic repetitive response to everything around me. One cannot ever please everyone around you; however, there is a medium to contain yourself from overdoing it with people who are not close to you. In short, keep the real you to close peers only so that no one can come back accusing you of being too this too that. 

    A real friend will not take advantage of your situation, but they will help you get out of it or move forward from it. Friends are not meant to hinder your growth or progress; they are to allow you to blossom into the person God created you to be. No one is perfect, the good and the bad times roll along in everyone's life and a friend sticks by your side in the high or lows. Sharing is caring, but the most important details of your life are best left to your inner circle of less than 10 people. 

    Apart from friendships, there are other very important relationships that need to be valued and appreciated. Sons and daughters -- let us not neglect those who brought us into this world --- remember to love your parents despite their method of parenting towards you. Brothers and sisters -- after our parents pass away we only have each other --- let go of rivalry and animosity amongst each other, as we are not here to compete with one another but build each other up for success. Cousins and cousins (Major Lol) --- do not have sex with each other as there are so much more none related DNA fish in the sea please--- beware of your family and bond with them while they're still here. Grandmas and grandpas do not take on the role of parents to your grandkids; it is your child's responsibility to raise their own kids now. Uncles and aunties, do not cover up for your nieces and nephews to gain their love, rather let it be a love that comes naturally from them to you. 

    Romantically, I am so not an expert to having that special someone. I am trying to acquire experience, but above all things my faith comes first. Do not allow someone to change your life long dreams and morals just because they boost to know more than yourself. It takes two to tango and it takes two to make things happen. This notion of having sex with yourself is absolute nonsense; real sex is between a man and a woman point blank. Lord knew it would take more than one person to build a family and a home, so do not rush your relationship status just to have someone next to you. A man should always be the one to approach a woman in a respectful manner and anything apart from that creates a self-doubt of real intention from their partner. Best advice I have experienced in dating, it feels good to split the bills 50/50 -- out for dinning, shopping, movies, Ubers -- it makes the relationship a shared experience. No one is putting in more effort than the other and it allows for both partners to be seen as equal. 

    Well that is all I have for now. Hope this was a nice piece that can help you in some way and allow you to open up your eyes to the reality of relationships. Have a great day and as always thanks for reading this humble blog. Happy New Year too !!!! 

Long live my hashtag #amilikey 


Ana :) 



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