Miami Adventures

It’s getting hot in here so …. Heeeey now I am talking about Miami Hot weather now Lol.

I am so humbled and honored to have been invited by Tayo Ishola to the 2019 Eido Swimwear Wonder Woman Initiative in Miami, Florida just this past weekend. I was one of four amazing woman that were selected as a honorees. I received a nice trophy and small plaque. All the images and videos can be found on my Instagram if you just type #amilikey in the search bar or go directly to my page @amilikey25

Let me begin with the inside scoops of how it all worked out, because really it is a truly nice story. My cousin from Colombia came to visit me in February and she was staying ironically with another cousin down in Hallandale beach, so my best friend really gravitated towards her and he made the effort to drive down there to spend the last Friday morning with her at the beach.

I have had an Instagram account publicly for a while now – not exactly sure how long but it has been active and I strive to utilize it to inspire and motivate people as much as I can through my day to day shenanigans and daily livings – so somehow Tayo had been following my page and saw that I was at Hallandale beach with my cousin and friends. She assumed I lived there and she invited me to be a part of the event not realizing I was a Tampa resident. My point is that had I not made that trip to visit my cousin for only a few hours I would have missed out on this wonderful opportunity to share my story with a bigger live audience in Miami.
I was able to take a air-flight for the 1st time in 18 years and yes it really had been that long, so the experience felt like riding a bike for the first time. I felt in awe and peace just gazing from 19,000 feet above the ground; viewing the buildings and grasslands (or whatever it really was Lol) was just spectacular to me. I want to travel again so much more and I feel bad for the people that let their nerves get the best of them, because baby air-flights are an amazing experience to view the world from up there and see just a glimpse of God’s beauty is truly remarkable.

So, to the funny moments I experienced:
v  I didn’t know how to exit the Miami airport like no lie I totally went the wrong way until I looked at the map provided

v  When I ordered my 1st Uber I thought I was on the 1st floor and I assumed since I saw other Uber drivers I was in the right place – thankfully the Uber was kind enough to call me and tell me I had to go down one floor to the departal section where all the taxis were lined up; it was scary because he said hurry the cops usually don’t let me stay here much longer so I was like oh my goodness hope I can make it I don’t want to order another Uber and get charged the cancellation fees

v  I was so hot (temperature wise) after the event I left my sports bra on only with my favorite leggings and got on the Uber and it was this poor young white male maybe 19 or 20 and he felt so uncomfortable with me in a sports bra I guess and he didn’t even turn his head for like not one second Lol I was laughing internally … he looked so innocent and like he didn’t want to look because he was being respectful but I mean it’s Miami and it’s just a sports bra nothing exclusive or whatever but anyways I thought that was amusing

v  I saw Don Francisco this famous Latin TV show announcer and broadcaster for like a few seconds right across the lane at the airport but you know I wasn’t gonna ask for a selfie or autograph – plus side-note he ended up having some bad drama about his show and what not so I was just like ehhh not worth the holla Lol

Well those were some of the aha moments I wanted to share with my favorite audience – my bloggers and readers. I definitely want to travel so so much more now and I hope my next trip takes me farther and it last a lot longer. I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

Make sure to checkout all the rest of the blogs because well I have shared a lot about so many things in life I am sure you can relate to some of the blogs if not all Lol.

Remember to always look at bad circumstances through a different lens and make the best of what you have in a good way; never to harm anyone in your strive for success and always remembering that kindness takes away nothing from you but gives the recipient so much and it makes a difference.

Love the one and only,


Ana J    


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