Family Planning

      I love to think about the future, because it makes me happy. I think about it all, how I will be in 5 years from now, and I want to achieve as much of it as possible. I have thought about how many kids I want to have since I was in middle school. I want to be a mother to four beautiful children. I don't know how many I can pop out of my body (not literally but you know what I mean) but I also want to adopt. I even hope to be able to be a foster parent.

       I have a rational reason to why I want four kids. A single child is bound to be a spoiled brat; 2 kids if they're the opposite sex like a sister and a brother will not have that sister or brother to really bond with about girls or boys things; 3 kids will mean either the brother or sister will not have another brother or sister to have that same sex bond; so 4 hopefully 2 girls and 2 boys will leave each siblings with a same sex partner that they can relate to on all levels.

     My kids will have an awesome mommy, (aka me) one that will be real about everything with them. I will always let them know about drugs, sex, and crime (I do have a clean criminal record fyi). I want my kids to be honest to me about everything even if I don't approve or it makes me sad. If they can't trust me and come to me 1st then I feel like I am not the mother they needed. I wish I could go to my mom for everything, but I know I can't for obvious reasons. I know she did her best in life and it's not her fault she couldn't help me in the educational world, like with my academic choices.

        I know had my mom been more open and educated about certain things, I would have made better choices and perhaps avoided making so many mistakes. I want to be my children's mother and true friend. I will never hide my past from them and I will tell them exactly how I ended up in the wrong situations as to help them stay clear of those moments themselves. I want me and my future husband to guide them and allow them to still make their own mistakes knowing we did what we could to assist them in their time of need. I have a clear vision of the type of wife and mother I want to be in the near future.

   I want to adopt a baby, one that will be similar to my kids so they don't feel like an obvious outsider. I probably would adopt an Asian baby or a light skin black baby. Adoption is a wonderful thing as it enables someone without a family to be a part of someone's life. I was a previous foster kid for a year, so I completely understand the feeling of being separated from their parents, and now times that by ten and have your own parents not want you or somehow you loose them.

     Well, I have more family planning. To be continued ...


Ana  :)


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