Never Stop Believing You have a Purpose!!!

Greetings Beautiful Bloggers!!!!!  

It feels amazing to be able to share with all of you my writing skills, and most importantly my shenanigans LOl. Anyways, as I was saying before I let the silliness come out: I am back baby!!  

Seriously though I want to be here as a mode of inspiration and motivation to all those who need a little push here and there. I have been through so much heartaches in the past few months, I have to come back to what I know feels right. You the viewers make me want to share and post my writing. I promise once you start to read my blogs, you will surely not regret it.  

Today's topic will be no other than: never stop believing in your purpose. Everyone was created by God with a specific purpose in mind. I know I have a purpose in life, I have suffered left and right and through it all I've seen much grace and mercy shown on to me. To be sincerely honest, I still have a difficult time pin pointing the exact purpose for my life. There is so much I want to do in my lifetime, I am not sure I will be able to accomplish it all. However, I will attempt to fulfill as much as is possible.  

Currently, I have been volunteering at Shriners Hospital for Children in Tampa, as a office assistant, and it feels incredible to be able to give back in such a small way. I continue to discover my hidden talents and skills for the better of this world. I want to inspire everyone around me and let them know: Yes, it isn't easy being a burn survivor these days with all the stereotypes and discrimination going on in this cruel world, but I love a challenge and it makes my life that much more interesting. I advocate for the low-income residents, as I am one, I also speak up for the immigrants (as I was once a VISA holder) and as a sibling to a special education former student I too understand the challenges with special needs people in general. 

I keep my blogs to a minimum to avoid people from losing focus and interest. I have so many stories to share and experiences to which I can elaborate on. I am working on accumulating the financial funds to my Kickstarter campaign in order to publish my first autobiography. I love doing social media, so please by all means come follow me and support my journey to stardom, Major LOl. I am clearly exaggerating just a little bit. If it happens, I will make sure to enjoy the free publicity to spread the word. I do plan on going back to school, in order to get my masters in urban planning, but once my book is published: who knows what will happen next.  

Also, not that I am seeking requests, but I am still single – just saying Lol. I am also seeking full time employment, and I hope to get that goal accomplished in the next month. Thank you for taking the time and reading this short post blog. I promise I will share more that will leave you speechless in a good kind of way. Feel free to visit to view my guest-blogs as well. Have a wonderful day courtesy of Ana, that would be me!!!  


Ana 🙂   

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