Wordpress move? #amilikey

Greetings my beautiful and beloved bloggers!! I want to thank you for your generous support throughout the years. I have been debating starting my blogging on a new platform and just leaving this one active for the remainder of the time. I have worked really hard to gain a new audience on this google blogspot website, but I haven’t had much progress. Perhaps, in the new domain of WordPress, I can reach a broader spectrum of people worldwide. I am also enjoying my new refurbished laptop I purchased a few weeks back and that has also motivated me to post more blogs. I have been a writer since an early age back in elementary school, when I would write in my personal diary almost daily. I enjoy writing because it allows me to speak my mind without anyone cutting me off or rebuttal given onto me. Now, as a grown adult I have discovered that writing reaches many people in need of hearing a motivating voice. Trials and tribulations have made me a stro...