Night Owl #Amilikey

Hey Beautiful Bloggers!!! So today we are broadening our horizons and continue to share my lifetime with all those who give a care. I titled this blog post Night Owl because as I am now working the graveyard shift from 05:45pm till 06;15am. Honestly, I have always loved being up at night most of my life, because it’s a more peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in general. I find there is no need to worry about anything in terms of bad weather or traffic. In the evening time there is less activity and that is always good news. I literally found a new way to blog while making good use of my time. I was also born at nighttime, so that gives me more credibility to be a night owl and I think it’s awesome to enjoy the night sky view with the twinkling stars and beaming satellites. Major Lol. As a reactivated night owl – I am surprised my body has acclimated so well because I don’t f...