My Marriage Proposal

If you want to be my lover you gotta blah blah blah. Major Lol. You know the song from the Spicy Girls. This topic is dear to my heart because I know it will work and be 100% effective. I believe that marriage should be a mutual understanding between two people that love each other deeply. I have a full marriage proposal that is based on financial stability and mutual rules between the husband and wife. Which is also the only legitimate form of marriage = 1 man and 1 woman. Financial Stability : 1. My money is my money and it goes into my OWN bank account 2. No joint accounts EVER 3. Your money is your money and it goes into your own bank account 4. We split the MAIN BILLS in half 5. Main Bills - a. Rent/Mortgage B. Electricity C. Groceries D. Water Bill E. Cable/Internet 6. Every other expense is your responsibility as a grown ass person 7. You pay your own insurance ...