My cuteness & sexyness got me... #Amilikey
Hey beautiful people, how are you all doing? I'm just here trying to seize the moment and add one more blog to my 50 quota goal for this year. I wish I could be a fast type writer, but unfortunately my hands are small and I just can't go faster than top 50 wpm. So sometimes I do become hesitant to typing up a good blog because I already know it's going to take me a minute as in a long time, and I also get slightly frustrated with the constant basic errors in typing the faster I go. In this moment, I'm actually utilizing my phone so I'm texting out this entire blog and it definitely helps a lot, but doesn't feel like the usual blogging vibe when I sit at my desk to type on the laptop. Anyways, that was all nonrelevant info y'all didn't need to hear. Major Lol. Moving on to today's hot, juicy, spicy topic of the day: I am sexy and I know it!!! Major Lol. Yes, I was referencing that one song. I have a semi long list of bad past relationship...