Ex Neigh #Amilikey

Gobble Gobble is officially done and over with people!!!! Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving meal with their family and friends (for those who are fortunate enough to have real ones that you actually spend time with in real life--- unlike me, the very few people I talk to are so far away & some I've never had the opportunity to meet in person). But anyways that's not what I'm here for today; instead, I'd like to entertain you with another past male acquaintance I had. This one is a bit longer of a real story to tell because it lasted a few years. So ironically I met this guy at a birthday kickball party for again another past ex "best" male friend I also had for several years. ( And now this is another story I will share on my next post) For legal purposes, we shall call this one EN ( Ex Neigh is Neighbor ). So at the time of the birthday party I had no idea who he was I don't even remember seeing him there that day, because there were a l...