
Showing posts from August, 2023

Never have I ever #amilikey

  Hey Hey Hey !!! I am here on the most important platform of the web (for me). I love writing and blogging is just another form of writing to share with my beautiful audience out there. Recently, I have been pondering on how to improve my blogging habits, and I came up with a reasonable quota to adhere by from now on. It is hereby determined that I am to post one blog a week on Saturdays-- one per week is the required standard. I figured Saturdays should be the easiest day to comply with regardless of my new work schedule. I want to make a commitment to myself that I can set up a healthy routine for me to follow to make progress on all of my personal goals.      I am not just here to ramble pretty words to captivate the audience in the off-chance that I might gain traffic for profit. Obviously, I want this humble blog to be as successful as possible, but apart from the increase in views it's knowing that my message is reaching thousands per day or more. My mess...

Steping out in Faith #Amilikey

 Good Evening to the western hemisphere of this world!!!! I know I am absolutely always extra, but I cannot be otherwise anything other than me. I have enjoyed these past few weeks of intermission to my lifetime. You may be wondering as to what I am referring to, but if you followed my YouTube channel a bit more closely you'd be in the loop.  No worries-- I am here to tell all and be a blogger. Major Lol. My blogging does not met the literary standards of grammatical punctuation and all the fancy jargon that texts follow. However, I can reassure you I bring the context to life and I speak from my aorta. I've always enjoyed writing since I was probably in fifth grade when I got my first official diary as a Christmas gift. I felt so empowered to be able to write out my thoughts and experiences to later recapitulate. I would write in my diary probably on a weekly basis-- mostly about the boys I had a crush on and stupid girls drama in school. As I got older, the amount of respons...