Runner's Surprise #Amilikey

Good Afternoon my beautiful cybernetic stranger friends, I am keeping my promise this time around and posting as much blogs before I am once again successfully part of the workforce. In more full disclosure to the previous topic, I honestly had been wanting to quit that job since after the very first month of working there!! I know that sounds like a shocker given how long I lasted (24 months) but it really is the truth about how I felt there. I knew I had to give it my best shot and see it through for at least a year, and then start seeing new avenues -- it took a whole year to realize it wasn't ever going to get better for me. Anyways that is not the topic of this blog post I bring to you today. Back in June 10th, 2023 I ran my second in person 5K at the Al Lopez Park in Tampa. I was so excited to beat my previous time and once again experience the adrenaline of finishing the race as fast as I could. Drum roll ple...