FWBs #amilikey

I have briefly talked about it, but never in depth because it is too painful of a memory. I never knew it was a thing nowadays to have a friend with benefits(FWB). I never wanted to have that type of relationship ever, but it did happen to me twice. Almost simultaneous and they knew about each other too, so it was all toxic from the beginning and till the end. I originally knew the second FWB since my teenage years and we had already established a brief friendship years prior to it escalating to the FWB status between us. We shall call him Nate for reference, Nate and I never deliberately discussed the condition or agreement of what we were doing at all. It was always just in the moment kind of deal. Nate always had some sense of remorse afterwards and swore he would never sleep with me again, but as soon as he was intoxicated and feeling horny he completely forgot about what he had said. I always felt guilty too for doing what was morally ...