Summer Updates #Amilikey

So my people I’ve been doing really good overall!!! I as always wish more people viewed my content on this blog, but for various reasons I know that audience is dormant for now. I am currently eagerly waiting for my shift change to come to pass at work. When I first signed on, I had no idea becoming a full time night owl would harm my health the way it has thus far. And before you make the wrong assumptions, let me just pin point what I am referring to: my glucose level is too high or on the incline. I had my annual physical and my A1C is at a 6.0 which is pre-diabetic range. My PCP gave me an ultimatum of either starting meds or improving my A1C in four months with diet and exercise. I said absolutely not going to take meds for something I can improve and get under control. I do admit I love food and excess portions of it obviously does harm to anyone, but eating at night when you’re suppose to be sleeping has had an impact on my glucose for sure. ...