Viral Outlook
Good evening beloved bloggers!!! I am here -- finally after again in my usual slum of non-dedication to this blog site. I have to own it: I used to think if only I had internet at home I'd blog daily or weekly. It has been a year now since I reinstated my home service and as you can see -- that commitment is non-existent. The irony of wanting to blog so badly when I didn't have access to it fully versus having it and not doing it. Anyways, it's just an observation I had to put out there because it just popped into my brain as I started blogging. I've had five personal laptops/desktop since I graduated high school, and I have to say I do miss the big screen and wireless keyboard. Another non-relevant side note I shared just because I like to get personal. Now to my topic of the night, I wanted to shed my POV on this COVID-19 pandemic we have been going through since last year. Everyone's experience is different and that is what makes our...