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Welcome to the one and only most none-viewed public blog in all America/Universe!!! Major Lol. Not funny at all home-girl, but I give you credit for lifting my spirit. I know looking back, I acted premeditated in my decision to resign; however, I was truly unhappy and embarrassed to provide such bad quality service to the clients due to the company's infrastructure. Coming into the market again, I knew it wasn't gonna be like bam in just a few days or even weeks like less than single digits -- I would be rehired. Clearly, COVID-19 has made this task that much more difficult and frustrating. There should be a law that prohibits people like me with the desire to work and be a productive citizen to have to climb mountain Everest just for a interview. I desperately wish there was a system that monitored the productivity of every citizen and allowed them to be integrated into the workforce at a much more smooth transition. If you wanted to earn a living...