
Chapter 35 has officially started!! #amilikey

          Good afternoon, I am officially a week into my 35th chapter and it has been relaxing considering I took off two weeks from my job. It was the right and best present I could have given myself. I wasn't able to set up an extensive itinerary like last year but at least I get some rest from work and that's also fulfilling. I did not make reservations for a fancy birthday dinner or lunch. I did not go out to eat anywhere special or at all, but there are for more important things going on in my life.        I kept the very basic traditions alive with getting my pampering through the manicure and pedicure. I actually went to get my haircut at the Supercuts and that was different. I really wanted to keep my hair length and dye it but it would have been more expensive and probably more damaging to the already mess of blended bottom colors. The hairstylist even said, "this will definitely get rid of the bleached bottom part," and I was like w...

FWBs #amilikey

       I have briefly talked about it, but never in depth because it is too painful of a memory. I never knew it was a thing nowadays to have a friend with benefits(FWB). I never wanted to have that type of relationship ever, but it did happen to me twice. Almost simultaneous and they knew about each other too, so it was all toxic from the beginning and till the end.      I originally knew the second FWB since my teenage years and we had already established a brief friendship years prior to it escalating to the FWB status between us. We shall call him Nate for reference, Nate and I never deliberately discussed the condition or agreement of what we were doing at all. It was always just in the moment kind of deal. Nate always had some sense of remorse afterwards and swore he would never sleep with me again, but as soon as he was intoxicated and feeling horny he completely forgot about what he had said. I always felt guilty too for doing what was morally ...

My Birthday Month!! #amilikey

      Hello fellow peeps!! I am very happy to see another year come to a close and a new beginning to a new chapter called 35!! This one will be very bittersweet, because there are so many pending goals yet to be reached and milestones that haven't even remotely began. Last year, at the end of the year I thought I met someone great and he turned out to be just another liar. He wasn't serious about anything and he really hurt me in the sense that I believed this could be different. I figured he is a professional and he approached me so clearly it will be different. Nope, none of the above happened at all. I thought maybe even a real friend and colleague networking opportunity. After that one meetup, it all fizzled out and I kept begging him to keep in touch and he always said, "I'm sorry for ignoring you I've just been busy." And the same thing happened all over again. I didn't hear from him unless I (the idiot) texted him first. So I finally deleted his n...

Spring Semester Updates #amilikey

       Hey my beloved people!!! I am happy to announce I am successfully enrolled in my prerequisites for nursing online at HCC. I am doing very well for the very first week and two days. Major Lol. I have already done an easy extra credit assignment and I have been checking the online canvas almost every day! The feeling I get when I am immersed in my college work truly feels great. I even had a hard time keeping my introduction paragraphs short because obviously I can talk about myself nonstop. Also, that is the writer inside of me wanting to express every little detail of my return to college.      I was questioning why two of my courses hadn't published any assignments. I started getting a bit concerned like did I not complete the registration as it should be or something else is missing. I used the chat assistance to verify and it turns out that the other remaining courses have a different staring date. I was surprised and at the same time kind of...

Feliz Nuevo Year !!! #amilikey

  Hey everyone on this world wide web called the internet. Major Lol. So, for those who were tuning in for the goal setter of 50 blogs last year: I was seven short from the final count. I woke up tired and had to do some errands, so I decided to take a nap instead and said, "I am not going to cramp in the last seven just because." I had all the right intentions, but I was like it's not even worth it. To have some bragging rights, when no one ever really reads them or interacts with the posts -- why strain myself trying to finish it.      I love that I celebrated another year around the sun and that I am now officially 31 years a survivor of burns. What was once a tragic New Year's Eve is now a celebration for life and perseverance. I had a lovely home cooked meal with delicious desserts. I shouted the countdown and hugged my loved ones. I always dream of a more elaborate celebration, but that day shall too come one day. I loved having that childhood experience as a k...

College kid #amilikey

Yeah, I made it for tonight!!!! So this selfie is truly my top ten of all my lifetime!!!  I love the blonde strike of hair and how short it was then while I was doing my externship. I can talk about being a college kid for hours and hours because I literally have over 8 years of experience under my belt. I have been from community college to the four year university to the practical certification scenario. I have seen it all basically, I know where I went wrong and what I could have done better all those in between summers when I didn't have classes.      Now in 2025, I again will be a college kid -- what do you know. I have always loved learning and even when I didn't comprehend the language as well as I do now, I still found joy in learning new things. As you all know, I owe uncle Sam a lot of money and I hope one day to be financially well to pay him off for good. I also would take a clear my account kind of deal, but it would be more significant to be in the posi...

Insomnia /Depression Survival #amilikey

After this one and one more for tonight, I will be down to just 7 more post to complete the final goal. I will post number 50 before the clock strikes midnight and we officially enter 2025!!!! I can do it and I will do it.      So this picture was taken the day I was able to finally be me again. I had gotten out of visiting my then temporary counselor for psychiatry back in 2018. I suffered my second and last episode with severe depression when I took on the role of caregiver for three people all by myself. It was overwhelming and I didn't know how to cope with it so I reverted back to the awful conditions I once endured in 2014 for the first time. I knew what the symptoms were, but this time it hit me even harder because I felt responsible for my own mother's aliment. I eventually received the treatment I needed at the time and when I finally was able to attend my own doctors appointment on my very own. I knew I was back to being me, and that is why I took that selfie in...